Chris Wallace is a retired Deputy Captain of the NSW Fire Brigade who was in the fire service for approximately 40 years.
During this time, Chris saw many incidents from house fires, bush fires etc which prompted him upon retirement to try to help the community in fire safety. Prior to his retirement he attended many schools on the Central Coast delivering to the community fire education.
Chris’ role was to teach the community about fire safety with a focus on pre-schools, schools and he spoke to local groups such as Rotary and Lions. On retiring Chris felt that the community needed more education in regard to fire safety and he was fortunate to purchase a 1978 ex Singleton army base fire engine which he transformed into a full education fire engine to show the children of our great land what the fire services used throughout their years of service. He also installed two TVs in the back where DVDs are shown. Chris also takes a trailer which has a baby fire engine he built for the children. This trailer can also turn into a simulator with a smoke machine unit to teach the children of what to do in case of fire.
The main intent is to provide a fire education unit to educate the community. Chris believes that if he can educate the community to save even one person from losing their life in a house fire or some other way it’s a godsend instead of us losing so many who perhaps could have been saved if that had taken better fire precautions.
With this in mind, Chris organised this group to go out and teach the community all about fire safety
Chris was extremely fortunate recently when The Entrance Red Bus Services donated a bus to him in order for Chris to turn it into a fire education bus. Chris was also fortunate in the work done by an artist who illustrated fire safety drawings on the bus.
He removed most of the seats but left room to create a classroom for the children to educate them in fire safety and show children and adults of what fire can do and what they can do to help themselves. In the back of the bus will be a house simulation demonstrating what can happen in a house fire.
Chris is also endeavoring to raise funds from government agencies to ensure that this project is ongoing. This is an unique idea and the bus is the only one of a kind in Australia.
To be able to show the community how to help themselves in case of fire is Chris’ primary goal.
Chris’ wife Kate has ably assisted him to start this education group for the good of the community to begin educating the community in fire safety. Now both Chris & Kate hope the local and broader communities will embrace their work and lend their support.